good against chloride induced tensile corrosion

DIN Alloy UNS AISI AFNOR B.S. Registered work's label
1.4563 alloy 28 N 08028 X1NiCrMoCu31-27-4 / (EN 10088-1(062005) (F) X1NiCrMoCu31-27-4 / (EN 10088-1(062005) (GB) Nicrofer® 3127 LC
Sanicro 28 (Spec)
2.4600 alloy B3
alloy B4
N 10629
N 10675
Hastelloy ®B3
Nimofer® 6629
(alloy B4) Thyssen Krupp

Liability exclusion

All aforementioned specifications serve as a general orientation and have to be reviewed depending on the conditions of use.
(c) 2012 M. Woite GmbH, Postbox, D-40671 Erkrath | Phone +49 (211) 24 40 91 - Fax +49 (211) 24 92 28 | -